Your down-to-earth approach, breaking things down to what is needed to make us happy is what we value most from working with Business Think.
It prompted us to sit back and think more about where we are in our lives, whether we are content with the lifestyle our business provides us, and, as importantly, whether we want to make it bigger and possibly disrupt the things we enjoy.
I would definitely recommend working with Business Think. Elliot has a wealth of knowledge and experience and has a refreshing approach to business, focusing on the reasons why we get out of bed in the mornings, rather than 'build build build' because it's the done thing.
The first phase of this project focused on strategy creation, a service that we no longer feature as a service. It is delivered on request. The Life Led Business process was completed with Mark and Mel, discussing their goals in life, and what they wanted to achieve outside and within work.
Once this Future State had been mapped out and written down, we moved on to creating the tactics and business changes needed to change behaviour and achieve their vision for a perfect life in business. We call these the Four Core Contributors in our book Life Led Business (available on Amazon, Kindle, and Audible).
One of these strategically important actions required the creation of a stronger online presence and a strategy to proactively engage prospects in the sector. A new WordPress website was built which represented the strengths of Mark's work and the Datumline brand. In tandem, a marketing process was developed which could be followed to increase the reach of their communications, not in a blanket way, using a very targeted approach. This saves time and generates better results.
Mark and Mel offer added value in a number of ways for architects and other customers, and the project focused on ensuring those messages got through in the right way, at the right time, and to the right people.